2024-25 Head Coach Applications2024-06-24
Apply now for this year's head coach positions with the Mid Isle Wildcats.
2024-2025 Wildcats Coach Call
Deadline to apply is July 5th, 2024 at 8:00pm
All applications received will be reviewed and all suitable candidates will be interviewed by committee/board members who do not have a team specific conflict of interest.
Please note that as per Hockey PEI Female Plan, special consideration will be given to qualified female applicants and non parental applicants. Recognizing that volunteers and coaches are difficult to find, we encourage anyone interested to please apply so that we can appoint the best possible coach for each of our Wildcats teams.
Interviews will take place shortly following the deadline as to have our coaches in place long before season startup.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Wildcats Chair - Krista Millar-Smith at kristahockeypei@gmail.com or HockeyPei Midisle Zone Director - Shaun Larkin at shaunmidislezone@gmail.com